Escribiendo paridas en la Red desde 2005 ;)

> 30 de junio de 2006


Leo en concello de Vigo una noticia sobre la Vigosfera...
Esta remite al blog de Lantania.
Están recogiendo todos los blogs vigueses, sea cual fuere su ideología, y localizándolos en un mapa.
Idea bonita :-)

2 Comentarios:

  • En fecha 1/1/10 09:00, Anonymous Anónimo comentó…

    I got the iphone but my parents don't want to switch to at&t because the service isn't that good. Verizon service is much better. Respond as soon as you can

    [url=]unlock iphone[/url]

  • En fecha 1/3/10 07:07, Anonymous Anónimo comentó…

    Hello, as you can see this is my first post here.
    In first steps it is really nice if somebody supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
    Thanks in advance and good luck! :)


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